The Wavemakers is SR3’s monthly giving community who want to make a difference for sea life. Their steady waves of support ensure that our rescue and research teams can impact marine animals in need, all year long.

Marine animals are increasingly struggling because of human impacts on their ocean home. Entanglements in trash or fishing gear, shipping traffic, depleted fish stocks, and warming ocean waters all pose risks to their health and survival.

This is where the Wavemakers come in. 

Your automatic monthly gifts will help rescue suffering marine animals and protect our shared oceans. Your consistent waves of support will deliver meals, medicine, and veterinary care to animals in need, and allow SR3 to expand our programs with confidence to protect many more lives.

Join the wave of change today that will benefit marine life all year round!


Choose Your Impact & BENEFITS

Here are just a few examples of how your monthly gifts can make an impact for marine animals in need, and the exclusive benefits you will receive:



Why should I consider making a monthly donation?

Halting marine health threats due to human impacts, rehabilitating animals who have been affected, and protecting endangered populations doesn't happen overnight. It takes persistent work, every day, all year long.

Automatic monthly gifts provide SR3 with consistent resources when and where it's needed most for struggling marine life. And since our costs for managing the Wavemakers program are much lower, your gift will go further toward helping our rescue and research teams impact more animals in need.

Can I easily change my monthly donation amount?

You can choose to increase, decrease, or cancel your recurring donation at any time. Simply send us an email with your request.

Can I join the Wavemakers by giving through my employer’s workplace giving program?

Yes, and many companies will even match your donations, doubling the life-saving power of your support! Please contact us if you choose to use this method so we can be sure to still extend your benefits as part of the group.

Are these donations tax deductible?

Yes! SR3 is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your donations will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We’ll keep track of your donations and send an annual receipt straight to your email address after the close of each year for tax purposes.

How will my donations be spent?

We have shared a few examples of how certain gift amounts could translate to our work. This is for a frame of reference and not a guarantee that your donation will go to that specific purpose. All gifts made through the Wavemakers support the entire SR3 mission to promote the health and welfare of marine wildlife in the Pacific Northwest and will be applied where the need is the greatest.